In this first of a series of articles looking at current issues and recent case law in the world of distressed PFI/PPP projects, we consider the recent outcome of the Tameside Hospital dispute, and what pointers can be taken from it which may help avoid or resolve disputes in future so that distressed projects can get back on track. This is a tale of disagreement, adjudication, threats of insolvency, Court proceedings and – ultimately – a settlement which may offer a useful benchmark to which other troubled projects can have regard.
在 2022 年 12 月,中国最终结束了长达 3 年的新冠疫情遏制措施。作为按名义 GDP 计算的世界第二大经济体和按购买力平价计算的最大经济体,世界一直在屏息期待着中国经济在推动全球经济反弹中做出贡献。
尽管中国在 2023 年第一季度实现了4.5% 的增长,但信号仍然喜忧参半。 《南华早报》2023 年 4 月 30 日报道称,中国制造业采购经理人指数下探 49.2,为改革开放后的最低水平。 文章称,国家统计局的一位高级经济师认为,4月份下滑的主要原因是“市场需求不足和一季度制造业快速复苏的高基数效应”。 这显示,中国的提振效应需要时间来沉淀。 与此同时,许多公司和企业集团可能在陷入困境并寻求整顿、重组或清算。 这其中不乏在全球各地都有投资和业务的公司和企业集团。
Entrepreneurs in difficulty, who are struggling with the performance of a contract, may benefit from a restructuring procedure. Any restructuring procedure guarantees the protection of executed contracts, with the most effective solution being the reorganization procedure (postępowanie sanacyjne).
Spotting the warning signs of distress in your construction supply chain and taking early action can significantly reduce the impact on your projects
While insolvency events may appear to arise suddenly, there are often warning signs or "red flags" of distress well in advance. While these do not necessarily demonstrate actual insolvency, they can indicate liquidity and solvency risks to the supply chain.
Early contingency planning can significantly reduce the shock of service provider/supplier insolvency in service/supply chains
In early November 2022, entered administration. Little over a year ago had floated with a valuation of £775 million. In mid-November 2022, Joules entered administration. Joules has 132 stores and around 1,700 employees.
Having acted for employers on four projects in the past year where the main contractors have become insolvent, here are my 15 top actions for employers to consider when faced with main contractor insolvency.
This 2022 review provides an overview of recent Australian Restructuring and Insolvency activity along with the laws, their application and recent trends and development in restructuring and insolvency activity.
It is common for construction project owners to finance projects through multiple mortgages, especially in times of rising construction costs. However, when an insolvency situation arises, holdback priority claims from contractors and subcontractors are particularly complex when there are multiple building mortgages involved. The Ontario Superior Court (Commercial List) provided new clarity in this regard in its April 29, 2022 decision in BCIMC Construction Fund Corp. et al.
WHITE PAPER An Update on Insolvency in the Australian Construction Industry The construction sector in Australia has long been affected by insolvency and broader liquidity issues. In the last year, construction companies accounted for 26% of businesses that entered into insolvency, and insolvencies in the construction sector more than doubled. This year, contractors have been further squeezed by inflation, supply chain issues and labour market shortages. As the federal government has wound back its COVID-19 economic stimulus packages, further collapses seem inevitable.
本文拟以某案例为切入点,揭示及探讨政府和社会资本合作(Public-Private Partnership,下称PPP)项目中社会资本方因项目合同主体问题而面临的潜在风险及可能的风险防范措施。
1. 案例情况简述